Monday, November 2, 2009

Editorial by Mark Dowd-Technique-First Thoughts

Sometimes people ask how can a teacher teach more than one dance when they appear to be very diverse-like Argentine tango and Belly Dance for example.  Two offerings at Actor's Dance Studio, taught by the same teacher.  What people fail to realize, and often they are not dancers so it is understandable-and taking lessons for a number of years does not make you a dancer-that all movement exercises have techniques that work on the core of the body regardless of what kind of movement. All emphasize strength and balance and muscle isolation intelligence.  They all stress the core, even if they have different labels for "core," depending on what the movement is-and they all need balance and depending on what the dance is certain muscle groups need to be isolated & strengthened.  Argentine tango and Belly Dance are very different in style but very similar in foundation.  To be continued...